4 Benefits of Banking Your Baby’s Cord Blood

To many people, the umbilical cord blood is seen as insignificant after the baby is born. This concept can be seen a strange and the very idea of saving cord blood is often dismissed. What many people do not know is that cord blood contains powerful stem cells that can be very helpful to your child and family in the future.
These cells in the cord blood are younger and more flexible than stem cells found in bone marrow and can be used to treat a wide range of diseases. The following are benefits of saving cord blood after having a baby and why it is a very smart decision.
1. Used to treat various diseases
Believe it or not, cord blood can be used to treat over 80 deadly diseases. This is because cord blood contains powerful stem cells that are used in transplants to treat certain diseases and body conditions. The medical community accepts stem cells from either cord blood or bone marrow to treat conditions such as leukemia and sickle cell anemia.
By saving cord blood after the birth of your child, you can safeguard the future health of your child and other family members. In a situation where your child or any other family member develops a condition that requires stem cells transplant, the banked cord blood can be used.
2. Contains compatible stem cells
When you bank your cord blood after having a baby, you make available stem cells that are 100 percent compatible with any close relative. Donating to a blood bank will guarantee that the cord blood will be available to you, your child, or close family member in the event it is needed to treat a life-threatening disease.
Since the blood saved is guaranteed to be a match, you will not have to waste time looking for a donor. This is especially helpful for families that are aware of certain diseases within their families. Saving cord blood means that if such a disease presents itself, a healthy blood supply is guaranteed and available for use.
3. Used to treat unhealthy blood cells
Blood cells play a very crucial role in a human body. However, diseases and conditions affecting blood cells have become rather common. Consequently, it has become essential for the medical community to develop mechanisms to treat diseases and conditions that affect blood cells.
Saving cord blood is therefore a life-saving undertaking because cord blood contains stems cells that can be used to treat unhealthy blood cells. This means you safeguard the future life of your child and close family members by banking cord blood after birth. Banked cord blood can be used to treat your child in the future if he/she develops complications that require a stem cell transplant.
4. Valuable and priceless
Cord blood banking is highly valuable after having a child. It is a priceless process and you cannot merely go somewhere to purchase it. The only thing you can do is save your own cord blood to safeguard the health of your kid and other close family members.
Stem cells contained in the cord blood have the ability to regrow, heal, and repair unhealthy cells in the body. Saving your cord blood after having a child is therefore a worthwhile undertaking. Admittedly, the chances of you ever needing cord blood are slim, but taking the steps to do it could prove to be valuable for you, your child, or family member down the line if someone becomes ill. In this instance, you will be very glad you did it.