Water is essential to life, and water treatment systems are essential to ensure the quality and the safety of the water we drink. Here are 8 scientific facts that explain why we all must drink water everyday.
1. 70% of our bodies are made of water
Since approximately 70% of the weight of a human body is made out of water, we need to drink fresh water in order to stay healthy.
2. Our brains are also mostly made of water
Approximately 80% of a human brain is made of water. Drinking enough water everyday will keep our brains healthy, and can also cure headaches.
3. Feeling thirsty is a sign that we are dehydrated
When you feel thirsty, it means that your body has already lost around 1% of its water. After a drop of 2%, you will feel tired and have difficulty to focus.
Water is also essential for our digestion. It helps our bodies absorb nutrients, and it also helps getting rid of waste and toxins.
4. It can help prevent diseases
By making it easier for our bodies to flush out toxins, water can help reduce the risks of cancer and heart diseases. Drinking plenty of water will also help prevent arthritis.
Water is also essential to produce saliva, and saliva plays a good part in keeping your mouth and your teeth clean. Drinking water helps prevent cavities.
5. It can help us cool down
When it’s hot outside, or when you are practicing a sport, you should drink plenty of water. Water helps regulate the cooling system of our bodies, and it’s often better than drinking sports drinks.
6. It can help us lose weight
If you lose weight immediately after a vigorous exercise session, it’s because your body lost water, not fat. However, by naturally suppressing your appetite and helping your body burn fat, water can help you lose some weight.
7. Coffee and tea can’t meet all our needs
Coffee, tea and soft drinks act as a diuretic, which means they take more water away from our bodies than what they are providing. They simply can’t meet our daily hydration needs.
8. We can’t survive long without water
While it’s possible to live without food for a month, none of us could survive more than one week without drinking water. Go enjoy a fresh glass of water right now!