10 Common Signs of ADHD in Children

Today, it is estimated that approximately one in 10 kids have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The typical age it can be discovered is seven, but the symptoms can arise as early as three years old. Some parents may not think it is a big deal, often referring to issues with their children as nothing more than kids being kids. However, if they have the symptoms, then seeing a medical doctor right away is imperative.
There are generally three types of ADHD:
- Hyperactive
- Inattentive
- Hyperactive and inattentive
Only a doctor can determine what your son or daughter has. Think he or she has the symptoms? Here are 10 signs of ADHD in your children:
1. Temper Tantrums
While it is common for children to have a temper tantrum, you should be concerned if they are routinely erupting into emotional turmoil – in private or public. The reason why many experts suggest that this is a sign of ADHD is because they might be unable to keep their emotions in check. Therefore, without this understanding, they will continually get angry over the smallest of things – a bedtime, the n-word (no), or unable to wear the clothes they want to wear to school.
2. Interruptions
Are you finding that your child is constantly interrupting you or a conversation you’re having with a friend or family member? This is a part of self-focused behaviour whenever a child gets involved in a game they are not a part of or any other activity that they’re not initially participating in.
3. Being Loud While Playing
Let’s face it: most children cannot play quietly. It seems it’s a natural part of being a child to play in a loud, boisterous manner. That said, for some kids, it is harder than normal to quiet down their noise or keeping quiet when partaking in a leisure activity. Even if you reprimand the child and inform him or her of maintaining an indoor voice, they may not be able to acquiesce to your demands.
4. Staring into Space
Is your child a daydreamer?
If you often find that your kid is just keeping to himself and staring off into space, then not only is your kid a perpetual daydreamer, then he might also be suffering from ADHD. Ultimately, many children with ADHD typically ignore what is going on around them and become less involved with kids as the years go by. There may not necessarily be anything wrong with this, but it is something to consider.
5. Making Mistakes
We all make mistakes. That’s why they put erasers on the back of pencils. However, kids who have been diagnosed with ADHD are generally unable to follow instructions or adhere to plans when doing tasks that require directions. This will inevitably lead to many careless mistakes that could have been avoided from the beginning if they had followed the guidelines in the first place.
But, remember, just because your son or daughter is making mistakes, it doesn’t mean that they are lazy or unintelligent.
6. Unorganized
Organization is the key to life. Without it, how can you expect to change the world? Of course, some people may have no other alternative but to be sloppy or have their lives in disarray. Many children who suffer from ADHD tend to be unorganized, meaning that their rooms are always untidy, they are losing their homework, or they find the simplest of objects.
7. A Terrible Memory
Memory problems is common in children with ADHD. It is OK to forget what you had for dinner a week ago or where you put the box of crayons, but eventually this will metastasize into a wide variety of aspects of their lives, including their schooling. For instance, they will need to remember the multiplication table, the periodic elements, or the first prime minister of Canada. If they cannot remember these facts, then school will be difficult, leading to frustration and discontentment.
8. Uncompleted Tasks
Have you noticed that you kid never seems to finish one task at a time?
For example, she will begin to draw something, but even before she finishes her portrait, she moves onto another task – playing Legos or baking a cake in her easy-bake oven. So, they might be showing interest in a whole host of things, but they never seem to go all the way and finish these interests.
9. Unable to Sit Still
You might be a fidgeter, but you’re also able to sit still for an extended period of time. Many kids with ADHD cannot, which means that they will squirm, fight, fidget, and try to get up and run around. Simply put, they cannot sit still, and trying to do so in a wasted endeavour.
10. Not Waiting Their Turn
If you have learned from a teacher that your child is not waiting their turn during classroom activities, and you have noticed some of the aforementioned, then it could be a sign of ADHD. Indeed, many kids are patient, and they lack manners that previous generations of kids had, but it could also be the start of something bigger.
ADHD is not a debilitating issue, and many children can lead successful lives with the right treatment. That said, it is important to start early and tackle the problem rather then delaying any solution to this common problem. Your children will thank you in the future!