11 Ways on How to Sell a House Quickly and Easily

If you need to sell a house quickly, attracting buyers and sweetening the deal to get a fast offer is the right objective. Real estate agents use several effective strategies to sell property quickly. These techniques are low-cost, easy to do, and often provide real results.
Here are eleven ways on how to sell a house quickly and easily:
1. Always make your house available to sell
If you want to sell a house quickly, availability is key. Always be there for tours and buyers. Set aside your evenings, weekends, and any free time you have.
Don’t be a ‘requires 24 hours’ notice’ kind of person. Buyers may choose to skip your home altogether. Be ready to be available quickly, and you will be able to sell the house quickly!
2. Set a low selling price for the house
No one likes to price lower than you’d prefer, but it is a sure way to sell a house quicker. Look at the last sale in your neighborhood. Start by pricing at 5 percent less than that sale. For homes that have been on market for a while or if you need it gone as soon as possible, adjusting the selling price is another way to sweeten the deal.
Please note, if you’re living in a particular in-demand neighbourhood or city, you may not have to take this approach. The homes for sale in popular neighbourhoods will have market demand, as long as the price is reasonable.
3. Advertise the house sale as much as possible
If no one knows your home is on the market, it’s going to take a long time to sell a house. Start by creating an amazing-looking real estate listing and then post it everywhere that makes sense. Craigslist, Kijiji, and any local classified real estate listings are good places to start.
Next, register online with high-traffic real estate search engines and post your ad there as well. Use lots of adjectives to heighten to attractiveness of your home and don’t forget to describe the nearby area including any parks, schools, and shopping. The more you advertise, the likelier you are able to sell a house quickly.
4. Enhance curb appeal of the house
Within ten seconds, the average home buyer knows whether they want to buy your home or not. They make up their minds before they even reach past the entrance. For this reason, focus on the front door, landscaping out front, and paint.
More than what’s inside, you’ve got to get that first impression right. Add a fresh coat of paint, trim the hedges, mow the lawn, and add exterior lighting if you don’t already have some to make your home feel even more inviting.
5. Make the house look bright and inviting
The best way to sell a house quickly is by making the place look bright and inviting. Show off your house in natural light. If it’s the summer, open the curtains and let the light enter. Strategically place lamps or light fixtures in areas that could be lacking light.
As long as your home is on the market, any time you leave your home, turn on the lights every time in case someone drives by or wishes to view your space before you get home.
6. Update and renovate the house for sale
The most cost-heavy strategy to selling a house quickly is to get rid of anything dated and renovate what needs to be renovated. The days of buying ‘fixer-uppers’ are gone. Buyers want a turn-key property ready for them from the moment they move in.
Among first-time buyers, they want value and a ready-made home. If the budget allows, renovation will help to sell a house really quickly.
7. Prioritize the kitchens, living rooms & bedrooms
Realtors consider the kitchen, living room, and bedrooms as the most important spaces to prospective buyers. Focus extra attention on these areas if you want to sell a house quickly.
If you want to dress up these areas, renovate, or re-paint, the more comfortable these rooms appear, the more statistically likely you are to receive an offer.
8. Take high-quality images of the house you sell
Hire a professional photographer and get high-quality, spectacular-looking photos of your property. More than 44 percent of homebuyers start their shop online and over 87 percent find images of the home to be helpful in aiding them to make their decision.
If you don’t have professional photos supporting your real estate offer, some buyers will skip on over your ad without consideration.
9. Remove old furniture and declutter
No one wants to buy a mess. Even though they’re seeing the home and not any disorganization that might be occupying it, if there’s clutter, a buyer’s going to factor that in to the perceived value of the property.
If needed, rent a storage unit to put in old furniture or junk just taking up space. By decluttering, you will also make your home seem calm and larger.
10. Depersonalize your house
Remove family photos, any sentimental items, and maintain a minimalist atmosphere where buyers can see themselves living. Any sort of political or religious items should also be removed.
This home, for all intents and purposes, isn’t yours anymore. You’re looking to offer a neutral property that a buyer can dress up according to their likes and preferences.
11. Clean everything in the house
Before you sell the house, all elements of your home should be thoroughly clean, tidied, and left neatly organized. The common places would-be buyers are going to look to judge cleanliness are the kitchen countertops, cabinets, and appliances.
In addition, you should also clean floors and room corners, shelves, closets, windows and baseboards. Finally, make sure the doors, walls, basements, garages, and the bathroom toilets, tubs, and showers are all clean.