6 Most Common Symptoms of Arthritis in Back

That nagging headache could be a result of overexertion or wearing the wrong shoes or stress. However, it could also be a symptom of something serious. In fact, it could one of the many symptoms of arthritis in your back.
Of course, a headache shouldn’t make you rush to the conclusion that you have arthritis in your back. However, if it persists, put the matter to rest by seeing a doctor at the earliest opportunity.
Instead of waiting for arthritis in your back to catch up with you, get mobile every day and do all you can to stay healthy and strong. In most cases, sedentary life is one of the leading causes of arthritis in the back. Do everything you can to be active and don’t sleep for more than the recommended time.
Sit up correctly and maintain the right posture whenever you lie down to sleep. If after all these you experience any of the above symptoms, instead of wishing the pain will go away, see a chiropractor and put your worries to rest.
Besides headaches, there are other symptoms of arthritis in back, such as the six listed below:
Symptom #1: Pain upon Waking Up
Pain upon waking up is one of the most common symptoms of arthritis in back. Should you feel excruciating pain in your back in the morning after getting out of bed, you may have an inflammation, which is characteristic of arthritis.
While inflammation alone does not necessarily indicate that you have arthritis, it could also be caused by nerve or arthritic changes. The pain could also be a result of a herniated disc hitting your spinal cord nerves as it pushes out.
One of the indications of degenerative disc disease is a herniated disc, and it often indicates the presence of arthritis in the back. As the day progresses, arthritic pain diminishes, only to spike later in the evening.
Symptom #2: Pain in Other Parts of the Body
As back arthritis progresses, the vertebrae degenerate due to wear and tear, compressing or pinching the spinal cord and nerves. Since the nerves on your back connect to various parts of the body, there’s a likelihood you will end up experiencing pain elsewhere, not just on your back.
For instance, you could feel pain, a tingling sensation, or numbness or weakness in your feet, buttocks, hips, and legs. It’s important to consult a chiropractor should any of these signs start to worry you.
Symptom #3: Spine Feels Stiff
You can experience stiffness in the morning without feeling pain. The stiffness should disappear as the day progresses, but it may come back later at night due to stressed joints.
Sometimes, you may feel pain when arching and bending your back. This pain could be migratory. At one time it may affect your shoulder and the next your neck, or any other part of the body.
Symptom #4: Worsening Pain
It’s not uncommon to experience pain occasionally. There may be a host of reasons for back pain. Perhaps it’s due to bad sitting or sleeping posture. To be certain the pain is not a symptom of something you should take seriously, see a doctor. This is especially critical if the pain keeps getting worse.
The best time to get checked by a doctor is as soon as possible from the time you start experiencing the pain. It’s better to learn there’s nothing to worry about than to wait for years only to be told that the problem could have been corrected had you seen a doctor earlier.
As a rule of thumb, consult a physician should pain come and go within a period of four to six weeks. If the pain is caused by a pulled muscle or some other minor injury, it should heal by the time six weeks are over. If the pain persists beyond this period, book an appointment with your doctor.
Symptom #5: The Pain Won’t Let You Sleep
If the pain in your back is keeping you awake at night, you need to see a doctor. The problem with this is that inadequate sleep only aggravates the pain, throwing you into a vicious cycle of pain, sleeplessness, and more pain.
Always see a doctor when the pain significantly affects both your sleep and quality of life. Instead of wishing it will go away as mysteriously as it appeared, see a doctor to calm your nerves and live the life that you deserve.
Symptom #6: Crunching or Popping Sound
If you hear a popping or a crunching sound when arching or bending your back, your cartilage has started to wear out to the extent that it’s no longer protecting your facet joints against friction. Medically, this condition is known as “crepitus.”
The appearance of this symptom in a young person does not necessarily mean they have arthritis in the back. Most people who experience popping or crunching sounds in the spine have no spinal issues at all. However, if you are older or are worried about it, especially if it is accompanied by pain, see a doctor.