Have you noticed your vaping flavour changing? You may find that your usual flavour is completely gone, or your tongue is numb. Some people even lose their sense of taste altogether. It can be a little scary, but fortunately, it’s only temporary and usually comes back in a few weeks on its own. If you are experiencing vaper’s tongue, don’t worry; it’s a pretty common occurrence.
Often, vaper’s tongue comes from vaping the same flavour too much. Your taste buds are an amazing sensory organ on your tongue that experiences sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Overload can be a real problem when they are constantly engaged in a certain flavour and can get desensitized. This type of fatigue can result in temporary loss of taste.
In addition, vaper’s tongue may come from dehydration. Dehydration leads to a dry mouth, affecting your ability to taste. This lack of water in the system slows down saliva production and results in excessive bacteria growth. Likewise, vaper’s tongue may come from damaged taste buds. We all start with around 10,000 taste buds, but they can get damaged by smoking, vaping, alcohol or infection. Our body can regenerate taste buds every 1-2 weeks, so any damage is not necessarily permanent.
Vaper’s tongue come with uncomfortable symptoms, but they are fortunately not permanent. Let’s learn how to stop the vaper’s tongue:
Change vaping flavours
Sometimes, you need to shock your taste buds back into action. You can try a strong e-liquid flavour like mint or menthol to rebalance them. This may activate the part of the underused taste buds and bring them all back online. Try disposable vapes with new flavours, giving you a chance to change up your usual tastes. You may discover an exciting flavour while getting rid of your vaper’s tongue.
As long as you try to shock your taste buds with a strong flavour, it is a good time to try something completely different. Like most people who vape, you have a few of your favourites and stick to the most of the time. Change things up and see what your taste buds do. The olfactory system can get too used to the same taste and start desensitizing, so try a new aroma to fight that flavour fatigue for a few weeks.
Use unflavoured vapes
This is a way to give your taste buds a break without stopping vaping. Your local shop probably sells unflavoured bases, so you can still get the experience of vaping and chasing clouds. Keep it up until you start to gain some taste senses again. The bonus is unflavoured base is cheaper.
You have discovered this new activity of vaping and enjoy everything about it. With all the flair and allure comes the vaper’s tongue. It is a clear sign that you can’t ignore, so understand what is happening and make some of the above changes to allow your body to rest and recoup. Then you can go back to enjoying your vaping experience again.
Drink more water
Keeping hydrated is beneficial to the body and especially helpful for someone who vapes. Your tongue, throat and lungs can get irritated and dried out, but you can quickly reverse these effects with water. Try drinking a glass of water before you start vaping and carrying a bottle while out. Replenish your fluids and clear your palette, so your tongue keeps moist.
Clean your tongue
Oral hygiene is an important daily activity that cleans your mouth and teeth and prevents bacteria and infection. You should be brushing your teeth first thing in the morning and last thing before bed as a general rule.
As someone who vapes, oral hygiene is even more important to prevent vapers’ tongues. When brushing your teeth, make sure to include scrubbing your tongue too. Vaping residue may build up and clog the tongue’s pours, leading to a dry mouth and loss of taste. You can also regularly use mouthwash to rinse and disinfect your mouth and tongue.
Take vaping breaks
While vaping can be fun and addictive in your peer group, try not to be a chain vaper. Your tongue needs a break to settle down and rejuvenate between hits. Over time, constant vaping is too much for your body to handle, and it needs time off.
Give it a break and save your vaping for when you need it. Yes, it is habit-forming, but it can help relieve stress. Just deep breathing while vaping helps to calm a person down. Recognize that your tongue needs some time off, and allow it, so your taste buds get a much-deserved rest.
Quit smoking
Smoking can seriously damage your sense of smell and taste buds, so why not give it up? You don’t need to do both, and vaping is a better alternative anyway. Put away the tobacco for a few weeks and see if you get your taste back.
By resting your tongue, you will recover your taste and may find that you’ve kicked to cigarette habit altogether.