Home Improvement

5 Common Plumbing Fixes Without Calling the Plumber

All homeowners know the misery that is a leaky tap. Most people leave their taps dripping for weeks or even months, even though this is a relatively quick fix. Truth is, many common plumbing issues can be solved without ever calling a plumber. All you need is a few tools, some elbow grease, and a bit of basic know-how. Don’t be afraid to get messy, but make sure to turn off the water before attempting plumbing work to avoid getting wet!

1. Dripping Faucets

This is perhaps the most common home plumbing issue of all. When taps wear out, especially those with knobs instead of levers, the seal can be broken and drips will begin. These leaks waste water, as well as money on your water bill. To fix a dripping faucet, remove the handle and use a wrench to unscrew the packing nut. Unscrew the stem, and replace the O-ring underneath. These are the likely culprits causing your dripping taps. Put everything back together and repeat on the other handle.

2. Slow Drains

You don’t need to use harsh chemicals to get rid of clogged drains. For an environmentally friendly alternative, turn to plain old vinegar and baking soda. Sprinkle ¼ cup of baking soda into the drain followed by ¼ cup of white vinegar. Let sit for a few minutes until you can no longer hear bubbling from inside the drain. Follow this with 1-2 litres of boiling water to flush everything through. This simple fix should get your drains back to normal.

3. Frozen Pipes

When temperatures drop in the winter, so increases the risk of frozen pipes. This is most likely to occur under cabinets, in cold garages, and inside uninsulated exterior walls. This is another easy remedy, if you can prepare your pipes before they freeze. First, identify which pipes might be at risk of freezing, and using some inexpensive pipe insulation, wrap your pipes that need protection from the cold. Winterizing your pipes is a great way to avoid the hassle of a burst pipe later on.

4. Water Leaks

Leaks inside walls and ceilings are usually caused by corrosion or faulty connections in the pipe system. In your home, look out for the telltale signs of leaks, like mold growth, water stains and condensation. This is a simple job as well—leaks can be mitigated by replacing the section of pipe that’s been compromised. Make sure to catch these leaks early to minimize any water damage from leaky pipes.

5. When You Do Need a Plumber

You don’t need a plumber for every minor issue in your home. In fact, most plumbing problems are easily solved yourself. However, there are a few jobs you should leave to the professionals. These include faucet or toilet installation, hot water heater installation or maintenance, and new plumbing due to renovation or remodelling. For these major jobs, save yourself the hassle and call in your plumber of choice. You’ll be glad you did.
