4 Biggest Problems You May Face After Your Vehicle Collision

Enduring an auto accident is a stressful event. Even if you are not injured, you just want to provide investigators with everything they need, proceed through the insurance process, and take any necessary steps to return to a normal life as soon as possible.
While this process should be flawless and without issue, there are problems that can arise as a result of a car accident that require you to seek legal representation from a car accident lawyer. Below are situations where you should hire an attorney to assist you after being involved in a car accident.
1. Liability is unclear
In most car accidents it is usually clear who caused it but if liability is contested, it would be beneficial to hire an attorney. Lawyers experienced in car accident liability know what to look for to prove who is at fault and usually have contacts who can investigate the accident to gather the evidence needed to prove your case. Immediately after the accident, do not admit that you were at fault even if you think you were. It is possible you are not the guilty party and even if it was your fault, let investigators prove that it was.
2. You are injured
If you are injured in a car accident and you are not liable, it is imperative that you hire an attorney. Whether your injuries are serious but temporary such as broken bones or long-term such as paralysis, you need legal representation to seek damages to pay for your medical expenses. Even if medical expenses are covered under benefits or a universal health care plan, if you are permanently injured you may need to pay someone to provide long-term care. If the accident has left you unable to work, seeking damages for lost wages would be necessary to ensure you receive payments for mortgages, bills, food, etc. Hiring an experienced attorney will maximize your chances of winning a lawsuit that sees you receive the help you need to recover from this ordeal.
3. Issues with the insurance company
Insurance companies can be helpful but seeking assistance from them is usually an onerous process. It is best if you do not admit fault in the accident during your initial contact with your insurance company, even if you think you are liable. It is their job to investigate and this could dramatically impact the assistance you receive from them as well as future premiums you pay. Insurance companies will often attempt to minimize the amount of money they will pay to assist you, such as minimizing your injuries or damage to your car. They may try to obtain a statement from you where you admit full or partial liability in the accident allowing them to reduce their role in your case. An attorney will advocate on your behalf and make sure you receive the appropriate compensation. After all you have faithfully paid your premiums monthly to be insured. You are entitled to receive assistance from them when needed.
4. The other party is seeking a lawsuit against you
Being sued after a car accident is an awful thought but not outside the realm of possibility. If the other party is injured in the accident, they may attempt to sue your insurance company for damages. Although your insurance policy usually covers expenses for the other party if you are liable, they may not think the assistance given is adequate. Your insurance company will usually hire a lawyer to defend you, but hiring your own lawyer may help in case there are disagreements between you and the insurance company later on. Your lawyer will have your best interests in mind and can look at the facts and either recommend settling the matter or taking it to trial.