6 Unique Ways to Donate Money

Do you want to give to a worthy cause? Most people feel like helping out in their community and beyond, and there are many ways to do that. You can volunteer, make items to donate or even use your talent to support a charity. You can also give money.
Cash is a universal gift that can be used directly to help a needy organization. We don’t always have time and talent to give, but offering money is a great way to help out.
Are you looking to help out? Here are six unique ways to donate money to society:
1. GoFundMe
A great way to give to a worthy cause is through a GoFundMe page. GoFundMe is a crowdfunding platform that allows people to set up a page and raise money for different events, including illnesses and accidents. You can get involved by simply donating money through the site and joining others to help someone reach a monetary goal that they set up.
It’s an easy electronic transfer and one in which all the money goes to the recipient, minus a processing fee, so it’s like PayPal with a cause. You can share a link to support someone or go on their site and look for people who need help and touch you in a way that leads you to help.
2. Mission and service fund
There are churches like The United Church of Canada that use a mission and service fund so people can join together to give their financial support to various causes and initiatives that the church is working on. These could be supporting local causes like homeless shelters, food banks and counselling services, up to global outreach like disaster relief and agricultural training.
Throughout the country and beyond, church organizations partner together and make huge impacts in the lives of those in need. You can get involved by donating your money to a general fund or even pick a specific project that you want to support. The United Church of Canada mission and service fund is a great way to see your money change lives.
3. Family foundation
Along with their families, some people desire to support a charity for the long term and establish a foundation. A single person or a family can control this charitable foundation as the board of directors, and they conduct fundraising efforts and take outside donations for their cause.
This is a way to leave a lasting legacy for your family and let the financial support live on through your foundation.
4. Giving circle
There is power in groups, and giving circles are a way to make a larger impact with your money.
A giving circle is where individuals pool their money and vote on a specific charity to support. They build their groups through social events, and they can be as small as a few members that want to help in their community to large circles making major changes for the good.
You can start a giving circle with like-minded people who want to monetarily support someone. After reaching that goal, you could continue by picking a new, worthy cause and attracting more money for it.
5. Be a patron to stores that give to charities
We all have to buy groceries and purchase household goods like clothing, tools and toys for the family. Why not spend your money at retailers who support worthy causes?
Seek out companies that donate to charities you believe in and give them your business. This is an indirect way to support that charity with your patronage, loyalty and cash. Do your research to make sure that you believe in their cause and spread the word when you find any new retailers that align with your charitable goals.
6. Fill a shopping cart for someone in need
There are always people that need a leg up, and it can be hard for that person to accept cash. Why not take them out shopping or show up at their front door with many groceries? You probably know someone struggling at church or your children’s school. It’s hard to offer support, and most people’s pride gets in the way.
This is a practical approach to helping out a family that needs the basics. Grab a big shopping cart at your local grocer and go down every aisle, throwing in food items that most people enjoy. Besides the basics, adding something special like a treat or baked goods is nice. Then go knock on the door of someone you know could use it and keep it light. This is how your money can make a quick impact on another person.
Giving your time and talent is important to those in need, but your treasure can save lives. Use these unique ideas to financially support worthy causes and look for more opportunities where your wallet can lend a hand.