10 Travel Etiquette Tips in Foreign Countries

Etiquette refers to the rules and codes of behaviour that are accepted and expected in society. If you travel often, it’s important to not forget your travel etiquette and manners at home! If you are rude with the locals, and know nothing about the travel customs, you will give a poor image of your country everywhere you go.
Travel etiquette varies from one country to another, but there are certain ways to behave when you are travelling abroad. This list of travel etiquette tips will indicate what travellers should do (and shouldn’t do) on their travels:
1. Learn a bit about the language of the country where you will travel
Learning the foreign language is an important travel etiquette. Before you leave, make an effort to learn at least a few words in the language spoken in the country you want to visit. The locals should be able to understand you if you speak English, but they will appreciate your efforts if you are at least able to say hi, please, thank you, and goodbye.
2. Make some research about the places you will visit
Before you leave for a trip, you should also take some time to research information about the places you will visit. Some countries have etiquette rules that are really different from the rest of the world, so you will want to be aware of those rules before you get there. Your research should also make you feel even more excited about visiting this country soon.
3. Keep your important travel documents close to you at all times
Be sure to keep your money, your passport, and your other travel documents close to you at all times. You should place them in a purse, a shoulder bag or a money belt. Keeping your documents close to you will keep them away from thieves, but it will also allow you to not hold up the line at the airport while you search for them.
4. Don’t take too much space with your luggage at the airport or on the plane
Airports are busy places, and there is not a lot of space available inside a plane. While you are waiting in the boarding area, don’t place your luggage in the seat next to yours; let someone else sit there instead. And while you are in the plane, put your small luggage under the seat in front of yours instead of putting them in overhead bins, where larger bags can be placed.
5. Be polite and respectful when you use public transportation
Being courteous is another important travel etiquette no matter where you go. If you are taking the bus, the subway or the train, be polite and respectful. The same rules apply as if you were using public transportation at home: don’t put your bag or your feet on empty seats, offer your seat to old people or pregnant women, and keep the volume down if you are listening to music or talking on the phone.
6. Don’t make too much noise in your hotel room
Keep in mind that most hotel room walls are not soundproof. When you are relaxing in your hotel room, keep the volume down if you are watching television, or talking on the phone. You probably don’t like noisy neighbours, so don’t become someone else’s noisy neighbour.
7. Be sure it’s ok to leave a tip at the restaurant
In most countries, it’s either common or mandatory to leave a tip for the waiter or waitress at the restaurant. But it’s not the case everywhere. In some Asian countries, leaving a tip is considered to be an insulting gesture. Be sure it’s ok to leave a tip where you will be travelling.
8. Be kind and thankful to everyone you talk to
If ever you need to ask a local for directions or for some help, don’t forget to be kind and thankful. Keep in mind that the locals might not want to talk to you if you seem angry or arrogant. Also, be aware of the fact that hand gestures can be interpreted differently in different countries.
9. Don’t act like you think you are superior to the locals
This might seem like an obvious piece of advice, but unfortunately, there are travelers who act like they are superior to the locals of the cities they are visiting. If you visit a place where the local population seems impoverished, keep in mind that being able to afford a plane ticket and a hotel room doesn’t mean you are better than anyone else.
10. Don’t complain because things are not done the way they are done at home
Traveling is a great way to meet new people, and to discover new cultures and customs. Therefore, don’t complain because things are not done the way you do them while you are home. Keep an open mind, and learn about how the locals live.